Well, some clarity again, turns out the key factors are money and risk. As always, well that’s a bit of a hobby of mine. So I will try and explain it in such a way it’s understandable.
The company recommended by the revalidation team in the hospital thinks it’s too big a risk too just do phase 2 , which is to look for a job straight away. They think the risk of failure is too high , chances are rather large I will end up in a job which in the long run won’t fit.
The case manager doesn’t have enough money and time too spent on both steps. It takes too long , by the time I am done with step one, I will be on to the next desk , which is a medical test too see if I’m eligible for work and how much. Which is exactly what I need to know before that all takes place , based on proof rather then a set of questions by a insurance doctor.
The proposal from the company was to do both within the time frame and doing the best possible, given a set of hours allowed by step 2. But my contract with the company will be split in two. One for step 1 and one for step 2.
Here comes the risk, doing a contract for just step 2 commits the company too getting me a job requiring me working 20 hours a week at a minimum. If not , no money for them. Because they failed.
But as they don’t know if I can work that amount of hours within the given time frame they want to do step 1. It’s about getting you ready to try and find work. Which in my case makes a lot more sense. Finding out what I am capable of and finding a matching job. It’s also a lot less riskier for the people in the company as they will be paid for their work.
Well that’s a risk too big for the government. Why ? Well because they can’t bill in hours, both steps are fixed price, step 1 being the most expensive and time consuming and step 2 the least expensive. And most likely they have to pay.
This means that if I do both steps in half the hours the fixed price will be a nice money maker for the company. Also because they make sure I can actually keep the job they put me in , this entails an extra bonus. Good for me, I need a higher chance of success.
The case worker’s opinion is the company is stretching their budget and by playing it safe they up their margins. while the proposal was too just bill the hours, and make due within the budget of step 2. Also cutting step 2 in an artificial step 1 and step 2 can’t be done, it’s not in the system. Computer says No and all that.
The contracts are stuck to the fixed price apparently, so if I sign a contract for step 1 , the purchasing department can only buy this block. Step 2 the same. Also the success rate can’t be measured with step 1.
And now things get complicated. Because of my health situation I was found unfit for work, which means I can’t earn the majority of 70% my old salary on my own.
It’s likely that in the coming year or two I improve more and more and maybe even can get back fully. But no guarantees. Being in the second year of my sick leave period the medical test is due shortly. So the amount of time for my case worker has buying stuff for me is limited. Once I get retested that’s it. No more steps can be bought at the next desk. Computer says No.
So I can see his point of view given the time frame and his limited options, I can also relate too the company being in this business for over 10 years it’s a big risk if they fail, not just the money also from a health perspective. If I go in the red it can take a lot of time too recover again.
All sorts of interests , none of which match with mine. The revalidation centre warned me about the misunderstood nature of my situation and this is a fine example. Where time , money and risk are stacked against me. So another fine lesson learned, knowing all the rules and regulations beforehand, even the fine print and implications for all parties involved.
Which leaves me wandering what would have happened if I did nothing, no initiative getting this process started from my part. Well as I know now , I would have had a medical evaluation and that would be it. Even being fully approved for work would have been in the cards. And in the meantime it would be at no extra costs for the state.
So now I am looking for another company which can help me with my specific situation. Hopefully this will be successful. And my advise for all of you remains the same, don’t get a brain injury.