The Max MSP wormhole is a happy place

Getting deeper into Max MSP Is really cool. I am getting better at patching and using the help and other resources such as books in figuring out what I need to achieve my ideas. The biggest win is that I can make notes directly as patches. I am getting more familiar with the names of the objects.

While it takes a lot of time to learn Max, at least for me, it’s a very good way to learn about sound design and synthesis. And I can work on it very consistently, When I can’t listen to music, I can patch, or read and learn. So it’s the biggest constant factor in my musical journey.

It might be a controversial statement, but if you start out with a computer, daw, and Max MSP you have a life long journey. while I love hardware and love playing around with them. If I would start out today I would buy a laptop, a DAW and a MAX MSP license.

After that the biggest investment will be books and resources. At the moment all my hardware is in storage and this is the only thing I have. And the focus is very cool. The possibilities are endless but I have a process where I can minimize my options and focus on a single idea.

I will still install my hardware in my new studio, but I don’t think I will be buying any hardware anymore going forward. I have years of learning and fun with the stuff I have. Even just Max MSP contains a limitless space for developing ideas and making music. Or other art installations.

Now I am confined in the MAX world I am learning pretty fast, and it’s great fun. It also gives a lot of room for interaction with visuals, via jitter, making your own instruments and combine external gear with interfaces and the newly released RNBO, which let’s you export patches to a raspberry pi, the web and others to create stand alone instruments or art installations. All very cool stuff. 

It also gives more room for my original ideas around ever evolving instruments and output to different media. I will share some patches open source in the future. Or maybe I will start by documenting my own learning curve, however not sure if that is of interest to anyone. Lot’s of ideas going through my brain this week. Less is more, it certainly gives me more ideas. Now I need to limit my enthusiasm and focus on small steps.