Portfolio news – October additions

This month I added Nedap to my portfolio, Nedap is a Dutch company which designs and builds solutions for energy , healthcare , transportation solutions etc. The dividend yield is around 4% at the current share price. It’s by no means a fast company which I very much prefer. It has been growing steadily over the years with solid results. Since they are active in markets which will grow in the future I am very confident they will be able to keep paying the dividends.

Some figures : The cash flow per share is 4,25 in Euro. Dividend over 2014 1,25 per share. Earnings per share 2,67.

I think this is a good and welcome addition to my portfolio.

Portfolio news – September additions

So for September , and the beginning of October I added the following share to my portfolio.

K + S Group

It’s a company that builds active in mining, food and agriculture. The stock price has been on a steady decline recently and is in my opinion, pretty cheap at the moment. Dividend now is around 2,9% of the share price. Which is good enough to buy the stock. It has been paying dividend for a good number of years now.

Watch list

Glencore is off the watch list as they had to cut the dividends and are in the process of reducing their debt. With the current commodity prices the situation is said to be hard for Glencore in the coming months. But the company isn’t just there to trade, it’s very much part of the whole logistical chain for the commodity business. That’s how they became such a powerhouse. They provide a valuable service which not just anyone can take over.

For the coming months the I will be watching Disney, Caterpillar and Shell.
Shell is cheap at the moment , especially if you count the dividend. Some people fear the dividend percentage is too high and Shell maybe has to lower or cancel it.
I don’t think that is going to happen. I also don’t think the slump in commodities will continue. Also oil is nowhere near finished as a fuel or base product for a lot of other products.

I might add to my Apple position as it still is very undervalued. The dividend yield is too low and most of the profit has to be made with a substantial increase in it’s share price. So this is also something to think about.

I am also looking further into the possibilities options offer to add some more revenue. I already sold some calls (covered) with good results, and I am now looking into getting more into options. For now I will just use it with caution.

First some more reading about the subject.

Stalin the court of the red tsar

Well this was quite the read, this was one that was on the reading list for a long time. Finally I got round to reading this voluminous book about one of the most controversial figures in history. Stalin.

The book is focused on the time when Stalin was at the height of his power, so it’s not a full account of his life. It’s a bloody one for sure.

It tells a lot about all the people around him , his family and allies who by no exception all fell victim to the infamous terror, with the help of the people in his entourage who he gave a lot of power.

That power led to a lot of murders , even Stalin’s own family. What surprised me was the numbers of people who were killed and the damage it did not only to all the victims but to the country as well. When Hitler started operation Barbarossa the Red Army almost had no officers with any experience , they were all murdered.

To make matters worse a lot of very bad mistakes were made by the Politburo before the red army generals got a bit of authority back. By then off course Hitler overreached as well and the tide started to shift.

He controlled everyone around him by instilling the fear in people that by making just one slight mistake you could become an enemy of Stalin. The way he did this and kept control over such a large empire with no opposition is remarkable. It feels like he planned and orchestrated everything from start to finish.

It’s a bit of a hard read sometimes with all the different people but after a few chapters you’ll find it gets easier. A very solid book on Stalin. For people who like to read biography’s and are interested in Stalin or that part of history.


Portfolio news – August additions

Today I bought 10 Coca Cola shares (KO) , which has produced a nice dividend. And is a bit undervalued at the moment. I intend to keep it for the long run.
Tomorrow I will also add some Unilever shares (UN) depending on the way it goes. It has been a rocky road this week. For me it’s good news as I can pick up shares on a bit of a discount.

On the watch list are Glencore, Caterpillar, Disney, and Unibail-Rodamco. The first being a bit of a risk as it has been in a steady decline since they got listed on the stock exchange.
I will keep you updated.

Dividend payments so far

Most of the stocks I own nowadays pay out dividend. Thought I share the proceeds so far, It may be not much but it is really fun to see them come in. Strange isn’t it.

The dividends without, and in Euro tax are :

12-02-2015 APPLE INC. EUR 1,32
20-03-2015 ROYAL DUTCH SHELLA EUR 8,66
14-05-2015 APPLE INC. EUR 4,42
22-06-2015 ROYAL DUTCH SHELLA EUR 41,95
30-06-2015 ICAHN ENTERPRISES L.P. EUR 0,91
27-07-2015 GENERAL ELECTRIC EUR 1,95
13-08-2015 APPLE INC. EUR 4,42

Total EUR 68,62

Also a few are in the pipeline to be paid out, I will update when they do.

Cookie laws and Google adsense

Since I rebooted my site I had a Google adsense banner on my site, just to see if I could get some revenue out of it. Today I removed it since Google sent me a mail stating they are actively complying with the EU cookie law. Which means I have to ask permission for the use of cookies and especially the adsense cookies. Unfortunately the laws are different from country to country. In the Netherlands, which is were I live and host this site I have to ask permission before the cookies are placed. Other country’s do not require this.

So for now, I have removed the ad and I am going to find a solution to this first before I put the ad back on my site.

Storm and travel

Last official day of our holiday, travelling back. Not the ideal day to be doing a lot of driving as the weather forecasts was very very bad. Storm warnings and wind speeds of about 120 km an hour. We checked it before departure and in Germany the bad weather was expected in the afternoon. Off we go, it was a very smooth ride with little traffic and the weather wasn’t all that bad.

It got a bit worse once we passed the border but we were almost at our stop on route. We visited my girlfriends sister and her husband and the 2 little nephews. Which is always a lot of fun.
They had made all sorts of healthy snacks and we had a very relaxing afternoon. The last stretch home was very relaxed and once we got home the sun started to appear.