Slow and steady

Progress, I am a little late with this weeks update and I have nothing big to report other than I have been going thru boxes and cleaning everything out I have no use for anymore. Which helps with creating space for other things. Mainly mentally as I have postponed this tedious task for a long time. Not finished yet but I am getting there one box at a time. 

I have however maintained my weekly minimal hours I have set for working on music or music related things. This mainly being connecting everything up with cables and re arranging everything a few times. I am not there yet workflow wise. 

It has been fun discovering how a space influences my thinking on future stuff I want to do. As it is not only a music making space but also needs to be a home office, writing and reading room and in the future once my movements improve a space for drawing. A swift way to transform the space is vital in that respect. 

It’s a work in progress, slow and steady. More news on this and other topics next week. See you next week.

Wiring everything up

Building the creative space is entering it’s final stages. I have set some of my equipment up and after some back and forth I have decided on a semi permanent set up.

What I am working on at the moment is wiring everything up as nice as possible. Which is a bit of a laborious task. And while I like tinkering, wiring is not one of my favorite things to do. Considering incorporating a patchbay into it all for flexibility. But getting my head around how I want it is not that easy. 

The best way for me is if I can use everything in Ableton at route it however I want it. But that needs some figuring out. To be continued. 

That was most of my week, however I have been doing some manual reading as well, mainly my beloved Machinedrum, which I need to dive into some more. I really love all the Elektron machines and I have some part of the sequencer in my head, there is still lots out there with triggers, LFO’s and all sorts. 

Simply reading the manual is a bit of a dry exercise but I hope some of it sticks. 
That was pretty much all I have done this week. I hope to finish the work on the studio before the end of this year and I can start sharing some music next year.

Ongoing construction

This week is all about the construction of my creative space. As this is going on for a week at least, I am not really finding the peace I need to make music. Which is ok, what I am doing is researching studio layouts and acoustics. Which is fun, and acoustics are a world of its own. Maybe this is better suited when I am actually aware of problems in my mixing. 

It was fun researching anyway. The layout will be pretty flexible, I am planning a table where I can build setups and use for other creative activities and a fixed workplace where I plan my computer, a controller, sound card and speakers. 

There will be a bookcase for all my books, and other items I use for inspiration and studying. And if there is some room left, a couch. We will see. 

Max MSP projects, notes and ideas 

What I have been is organizing my notes and ideas for Max MSP projects. So far I have only build and expanded a looper project. And making notes on ideas for projects I want to figure out. Learning while doing, as to not get stuck in manuals and books all the time. 

I have taken the time to work out some of the concepts into short descriptions of functionality and made lists of the order in which I need to build it. So it makes some sense from the start. The danger with Max MSP is that I start somewhere and end up somewhere which is miles from my original idea. Which in most cases isn’t a bad thing. But whenever I return to a patch to work on it some more, I first need to figure out what I did in the first place. 

Working more focussed towards a goal and making sure I document the steps and the patch I will be able to get stuck in every session, without figuring out what is was the patch is supposed to be doing. 

Planning for the coming weeks.

The main focus will be finishing and decorating the creative space. After this is all done, I will be able to start and finish projects more easily which I am really looking forward to. 

Building a dedicated creative space

Having a space for your creative adventures can be important in maintaining consistency in the process. This past week I have not been doing any actual music making, reading manuals or learning stuff. I have been cleaning out my attic so it can de build into a studio space. Or to more exact, a creative space. As music is not the only creative thing I like to do. Writing, coding & drawing being other creative outlets for me.

Construction will begin shortly and in the end this will be a space where I can put my musical instruments, and other stuff I use to work on my various projects.

Up until now the kitchen table was the place to be, which had a downside that after each session I had to clear everything again. And building stuff up before starting a session.

I can also create specific longer term setups for projects more easily in the new space. I have been thinking about the layout and various other things. But we will see where it ends when all the construction is finished.

Why I need a dedicated space

Lot’s of people can work anywhere. Whether it be on the sofa, at the kitchen table or in any coffee shop in the neighborhood, that is great, but not me. 

I need a space where I can go to and everything is available, plugged in and ready to go. It’s easier to start, take breaks and finish things for me that way. It’s also a space which has a lot of stuff in it which gets and keeps me inspired. Like books, art, music and miscellaneous bits. 

It also save me the energy I now need to take a few pieces of kit, set it up, have a session and tear it down again. Even just sitting in a custom space and thinking about projects, solutions and take notes is worth having it. It’s a luxury I know. But if you can have even a small dedicated space this will undoubtedly improve your creativity, efficiency and consistency. Just going in for an hour every day is easier when everything is in one place and ready to go. 

It’s been a long time coming, so now that it is finally happening I am pretty excited. Next thing will be planning the lay out of the space.