Ongoing construction

This week is all about the construction of my creative space. As this is going on for a week at least, I am not really finding the peace I need to make music. Which is ok, what I am doing is researching studio layouts and acoustics. Which is fun, and acoustics are a world of its own. Maybe this is better suited when I am actually aware of problems in my mixing. 

It was fun researching anyway. The layout will be pretty flexible, I am planning a table where I can build setups and use for other creative activities and a fixed workplace where I plan my computer, a controller, sound card and speakers. 

There will be a bookcase for all my books, and other items I use for inspiration and studying. And if there is some room left, a couch. We will see. 

Max MSP projects, notes and ideas 

What I have been is organizing my notes and ideas for Max MSP projects. So far I have only build and expanded a looper project. And making notes on ideas for projects I want to figure out. Learning while doing, as to not get stuck in manuals and books all the time. 

I have taken the time to work out some of the concepts into short descriptions of functionality and made lists of the order in which I need to build it. So it makes some sense from the start. The danger with Max MSP is that I start somewhere and end up somewhere which is miles from my original idea. Which in most cases isn’t a bad thing. But whenever I return to a patch to work on it some more, I first need to figure out what I did in the first place. 

Working more focussed towards a goal and making sure I document the steps and the patch I will be able to get stuck in every session, without figuring out what is was the patch is supposed to be doing. 

Planning for the coming weeks.

The main focus will be finishing and decorating the creative space. After this is all done, I will be able to start and finish projects more easily which I am really looking forward to.