Shaping the creative space

This last week has been all about shaping the new creative space. Lot’s of cleaning up as well. I am trying to keep it as minimal as possible for now. To see how the space can be used and add to it while using it. Yesterday was the first day when I worked in the space and I liked it a lot.

Still some decorating to do, and some installation of stuff but it already feels good. It’s a very good space just to be in. All the important books, from inspirational books through manuals and technical books are sorted and the important ones are within easy reach.

I will keep the desk clean, and my instruments on and in a stand or cupboard, yet to be decided. So I can focus more easily and not get too distracted all the time.

That’s pretty much all I did, but I did some patching in Max again, which is becoming a staple activity every week, I hope I will get sufficient enough so I can work on systems in Max and generate ideas for music from that. Which I can later develop further in Ableton. I have also had a bit of a clean up and found some old and redundant stuff others might find useful. So I am trying to find people who can use it. 

A pretty short blog this week, not much on the music side of things and lots at the same time, as a nice space to be creative in is very important.