Interior design, selecting vibes for the creative space

As the work on my new creative space is ongoing, as it happens with building stuff, things happen unexpectedly. So my gear is still in boxes and I am on hold music making wise. I have now spent some time on thinking about the interior design of the space. The focus will be on the vibe, not so much the technical logistics of the space. I am aiming for a table where I can set up gear, or anything I need for a creative process. Whether it be music, writing or drawing. 

Making moodboards is fun, and deciding where things need to be and what colors I will have in the space. 

As far as music making goes I have postponed it until the construction is over. It takes out to much energy trying to do this while all this is going on. 

A short one this week, as not much is going on, on the creative front. I am just dabbling in things at the moment.

See you all next week.