Construction takes time and a lot of energy

While the prospect of a nice creative space is very appealing, construction works take a toll on me energy wise. Last week was pretty much a week with a little less construction and a lot of recharging for me. This limited my energy for music making as a whole and thus I didn’t get anything done.

I did however got some fascinating books on music, as I tend to look for inspiration when I can’t really do much else, I discovered that the excellent series, Electronic music and sound design has a English version of the third book in the series. Which I ordered. Whilst a lot of books are available in libraries this isn’t one of them. And it’s very convenient to have these books available at all times, so I bought it. Hopefully it will arrive soon.

As I have mentioned earlier, these books have a lot of knowledge on sound and sound design, so even if you don’t fancy learning Max msp, these books are really great. You can learn everything there is to know about synthesis. Take your time as some bits can get pretty complicated. At least for me. Really looking forward to diving in part 3. 

Another book I stumbled upon was on Minimalism about the history and significance of minimal music. This is also on the way. Will write a review on it as soon as I finish reading it.

Books always give me lots of ideas and searching for new books always gives me energy, even when I am really out of energy. So while not much has happend with music this period. This way I feel I als still moving forward.